Friday, 3 April 2020

Share our day - share our burden

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior,
    who daily bears our burdens.  Psalm 68:19

The schools break today for their holidays.  Two weeks of no schoolwork - one less argument to have in my household.  But I know they are are going to miss it too because their world has shrunk so much.  Never have parents been so grateful for the online community where at least children can connect and talk.  Yet I see the fractures appearing in my children - these days are a burden despite no school!

Yesterday I chatted with my Gran (97) who lives in Pitlochry in sheltered housing flat.  Still independent to a point and still going steady...but she said something really profound.  She only moved in there a couple of years ago, living alone up until that point (widowed in her 50s).
‘Sarah’ she said, ‘I have aged more in two weeks than in the previous two years.’

The worker at their desk struggling for motivation, missing the innocuous conversations about footy or music or talent shows around the coffee cup or in the break room.

Take time today to share the burdens of one another - doesn’t have to be a moan fest (though occasionally we need them and some rants!) but actually share the burden of daily life.  Have a laugh, send a silly GIF just for the fun of it, have a really mundane conversation about the weather, grab a glass of something and connect with a friend on line somehow.

God does share our burdens daily.  There is no limitation to his ability to carry us through this, to share our burdens and as Peter says: cast all your anxiety onto him because he cares for you!  Let’s be willing to share our burdens with Him, and help others share their burden of daily life as well.  As the old saying goes: ‘A problem shared is a problem halved!’ God bless you.
#mentalhealth #resilience #Godlovesyou

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