Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Resurrection Blues

 Resurrection Blues

As I sit to write this, feeling a little weary I wonder how many of us have the resurrection blues? It's the moment where all is done, 

Christ has died,

Christ has risen,

Christ is alive


and we all breathe a sigh of relief yet also miss it all. 

The services are past, the dawn hike is over, the breakfast/brunch smells have dissipated and suddenly we are left wondering; ‘what's next?’.  Don't worry we still have Pentecost, before we start planning Christmas again!

This coming Sunday is also known as Low Sunday, partly in recognition that it is a less intense celebration than Easter. Therefore, let me reassure you. If you are feeling out of sorts, tossed about, confused or generally ‘wabbit’, you are in good company.

Spare a prayer this week for your ministry team, be they the lone worker, the cover, or the church worship team. Many leading worship through Holy Week were already weary from meetings about Mission Planning, the multiple hats they wear, and the general angst in the air.  Each have preached and enthused about the all encompassing, sacrificial love of God.  That when all seemed lost, God knew the end game.

And within each burns a hope that God has an end game, a plan for their church and the institution. The light might be flickering but the darkness has not yet put it out.  Without the distraction (apologies Lord!) of Lent, Holy Week and Easter, the reality of our future seems to loom large on the horizon.  And it is concerning for all, indeed some might feel it more than others but no one is unaffected. 

May we find in the prayers of others, the support of colleagues (which was more apparent after the resurrection than before) and the care of our congregations the strength to engage, the courage to challenge and embrace change and the compassion to support those facing the toughest decisions.

May we walk rejoicing in the light of our resurrected Lord, Indeed may our priority be to run and tell others we have seen the Lord. Maybe that’s the true mission imperative. 

God bless you this Easter season!

Love Sarah

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