Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Sometimes you just got to speak…

 ‘But an honourable person acts honestly and stands firmly for what is right’. Isaiah 32:8

Hello and Welcome back! 

It is a curious time. Everyone has an opinion about something and of course we are right. The challenge remains that we can’t all be right and therefore at times even we must be wrong. What is even more challenging is that when we are right and seemly ignored or overlooked we either get louder and therefore annoying or we walk away and think - well maybe I will leave you to answer that. At the moment we are facing the ultra marathon of the pandemic where we flit from option to option as politicians walk the right rope between society and science. We need to live is the only thing everyone agrees on. Unfortunately for all to live something or some of us have to give. Our desire to live as we did overrides the fact we may have to adapt just a little. Then throw in the growing difficulties with deliveries, complicated by Covid and Brexit, never mind independence discussions and to be honest even I’m ready to hide under a duvet and exit it in 2023. (Not sure I’m holding out much hope for 2022 either!). 

I feel it myself. And there are times when I feel there are things that can’t be left unsaid. Sometimes we have to stand up and say our piece. Not to cause trouble or pain on purpose but because to say nothing would be even more unjust. We cannot fight all the battles because no one is able to do that. As I have often been told whether it comes to raising children or ministry or life in general - you have to pick your battles! 

My battlefield may not be the same as yours. And you know what that is okay too. I often think I’m not truly passionate about any cause but I am. My calling is to stand up against injustice, particularly but definitely not only in the church. Sadly Christians can be the absolute worst to their own brothers and sisters. But ask my poor husband and he will tell you that I make excuses for anyone and everyone (except him 😉 ). I defend others constantly. 

Yet in my heart I would do anything for a quiet life. I hate conflict. I’m absolutely terrified of standing up to others. Yet I am more terrified of doing nothing. All it takes for evil to thrive is for good people to do nothing or so the saying goes. 

Yes there are some opinionated souls out there who likes hear the sound of their own voice. Far be it from me to tell you who… However we need to listen to some voices, such as those of the climate change activists. Look how the earth responded when we were locked down. We are a real source of damage and these past 18months should be a wake up call.  We need to listen to the call for gender equality because it impacts on us all whether we realise it or not. The steps forward in places like Afghanistan that seem so vulnerable now reminding us that progress is a fickle beast. We need the ones who stand up to injustice dressed up in political embellishments, where policies are made to look good but are ‘all fur coat and no knickers’! 

The author of Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a time to be silent and a time to speak. I have often pondered that as I read it again and again.  A time to be silent comes first. I think we need to pick our battles, pray and plan, then speak up. God places on all our hearts a cause to support because his heart is with the poor, the marginalised, the voiceless, the refugee, the outcast and the overlooked, whether through economics or politics, climate or creed, gender or sexuality, power or abuse.  

I get wanting to hide but just maybe this is your time to speak. Don’t be afraid to speak. You might be very surprised who you enable to speak up as well. Sometimes all it takes is for one person to sit outside parliament, to raise a hand at the meeting, to walk away from a toxic situation, to challenge the soapbox speaker for others to find their voice and start a movement.  

After all even Jesus stood up against injustice with words of wisdom or with righteous anger or with loving action.

We have a voice. And currently the freedom to use it. 

Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.  Proverbs 31:9

God bless your silence and your speaking

Love Sarah 

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