Sunday, 14 April 2019

Breaking the Silence

If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. 
I love Jesus’ response here.  The idea that should the people be silenced in their worship of God, the very stones would cry out.  Imagine that for a moment.  It’s kinda hard really.  Stones can be many things:
Used and shaped into buildings, statues, painted to look like cats, to wedge open doors or crack skulls, or for hot stone therapy but as a general rule they are not known for singing, praising or shouting.

Yet, should the people be silenced, the stones would cry out.  Interestingly that isn’t challenged though I have no doubt, something amazing would have happened.

We live in a world where often we are silenced.
There is much we want to say or sing, but we are silenced.
We are silenced by our fears.
We are silenced by the worry of inappropriateness.
We are silenced by our Britishness.
We are silenced by our politicians or leaders.
We are silenced by our inadequacies.
We are silenced by our family and friends.
We are silenced by embarrassment.
We are silenced.

The people didn’t fully understand who Jesus was or indeed what would happen next.  But they were excited to see him, and they welcomed him.  Great celebrations, a party mood, full of expectation and hope.  The disciples sing praises and worship, grateful for all that they had seen.  This would have been more people than the 12 disciples, for though they had seen the most, they weren’t the only ones who had witnessed miracles.  For John who records 7 miracles, plenty people had witnessed the majority of them, and those who believed sang praises.  Remember at this point they have no Good Friday/Easter Sunday - they only have Palm Sunday, that moment.  

It is not the donkey that causes the Pharisees to have issues, or indeed the hero’s welcome although that wouldn’t have helped.

It is making Jesus the King that gives them issues.  To make Jesus – King – would have upset the status quo.  Everything was ticking along nicely, even if it was making the most of a bad situation.  And Jesus was upsetting this, and risking everything.  The status quo is often misaligned with what is needed, but often it is safer, it is predictable, it is manageable.  Until someone upsets it and changes it…then everything gets somewhat uncomfortable.

Jesus is still upsetting the status quo today.
People today still resist him coming into their lives.
Yet it is not the donkey and the humble lifestyle they resist.
It’s not loving our neighbours, and many can accept even if they can’t do loving our enemies.
It’s not even miracles or worship.

It’s making Jesus King of our lives that gives people issues both in and out of the Church.

Putting him first, making him King.  And King of all, not just the bits we think he wants.  But King over all.

Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

And if we are honest, this is when we are silent too. Making him King makes him our leader, the one we worship, the one who carries the past, the present and the future.  And that often means breaking the status quo.  Read the Gospels – Jesus does it all the time and he still does it today.

But if we are silent, the stones will cry out.

Let us silence the voices in our heads, our hearts, our souls that rebuke us for making Jesus our King.
Let us silence the voices in our culture that attempt to make others king of our lives.
Let us silence the voices that rebuke us for our faith, for our way of life, for our worship and remind them that if we are silent, the stones would cry out.

Instead, let us, in loud voices praise our God, welcome our King and walk towards the Cross and the Resurrection with heads held high, knowing that our God is the One and Only God, in him we can have faith, hope and eternity.

You are my God, and I will praise you;
    you are my God, and I will exalt you.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever. Psalm 118:29

Make this Holy Week count – praise God in a loud voice, even if you are rebuked.  Live your faith humbly but with strength.  Be joyful, even in sorrow.  Be hopeful, even in darkness.  Trust that the Lord will come through for you.  For when the people are threatened by ‘other powers’, God would not let it be.

If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.

God always finds a way!  Amen.

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