Friday, 11 January 2019

When God shows up - Treasure

What follows is a much shortened version of what I preached about on Sunday, tailored for the devotions in the local paper (covering for someone at the last minute).  So I thought I’d share it here with you all.
Dear friends,
Yes I know the Christmas season is over and now it might even be too late to wish you a Happy New Year (but I do!).  Often we are so glad when the chaos of Christmas is passed, but I wonder if you would be willing to cast your mind back, and look for your treasures from Christmas.  Mary, who was overwhelmed at becoming a new mum, to the Son of God no less and in less than ideal surroundings, takes time to treasure in her heart all that happened.

It is easy for us to get stuck in the commercialism and materialism of Christmas, but like the wise men (this is their season in the Church year (Epiphany)), sometimes we need to push on and find the real reason for the season.  The text that the chief priests read to Herod spoke of the Messiah coming from Bethlehem.  A small place, insignificant even, becomes the place for God.  No palace, no capital city, no Jerusalem – but Bethlehem.  Real treasure, the kind that matters, is often found in the unlikeliest of places and people, like God with us – Jesus Christ.  

As we journey into a New Year, full as it is birthdays, events, and anniversaries, as well as milestones, health issues, even grief and loss, take time to treasure the moments, the gifts, the kindnesses, the love, trusting God with them all.  Sometimes that will mean letting go of your pride, your need to be in control, your cynicism and doubt, your fear and allow others to give you treasure.  The treasure of comfort, of love, of peace, of Christ, of faith, of presence, of wisdom.  These treasures of God, from God, through others, will help 2019 be a year worth having!   Jesus said: ‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’. 

There are many things I treasure from my Christmas season. Time spent with family - most definitely (yes really!), time spent with friends whether chatting on the sofa or welcoming the bells together over a sparkle filled glass - absolutely.  Gifts given and received, messages of peace, hope and love through cards, social media and encounters - all are treasures.  For me, my treasure in Christmas was found in how God took the little I had to give and multiplied it a thousand fold.  His presence in the Watchnight service, reminiscent of a small animal shelter in intimacy (but not smell thankfully!). His strength given in communion in a sheltered housing complex and in candlelight.  For me, I will treasure those moments when God showed up, and I don’t mean that flippantly.  Sometimes, when you just can’t see the next step, the next moment, God shows up.  A worn out couple given a shelter with animals to bring the Son of God into the world surrounded by excited shepherds reassuring them that this was real.  God shows up. And Mary treasured all that happened in her heart.

In 2019 treasure those moments when God shows up - Kairos moments - and may your 2019 be full of treasured moments! God bless you!
Love Sarah


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